Well this whole evening was not as expected. We were definitely trying to go out to the new tapas place in Greensburg, and I was so looking forward to it. Well, Nonsense & Onion-hater get there first (a half hour early b/c somebody thought the wrong time) only to find that the new place of choice isn't open on Mondays or Tuesdays. So plan B - El Patron.
I read some of the reviews on urbanspoon, and seriously - the best Mexican food? What Mexican joints have you been tolerating??? Overall, I was disappointed at best. Our main server acted like we were bothering him by being there. I mean, he finally warmed up at the end, but by then we weren't interested.

The margaritas were good, sangria was good, chips, salsa & guacamole were good, food came fast; that was positive. Mine was decent, but unrecognizable for what it was supposed to be, and generally I can identify my Mexican staples - in this case, supposedly a chimichanga & a queso relleno. Tierra Firme's looked good too - taco, enchilada, & rice. Nonsense & Onion-hater both went with the tortilla soup. Yes, here we go with these two again - the soup has chicken in it, Nonsense! (which she gave to Onion-hater). There are onions in it, Onion-hater! (which she decided were big enough eat around). I still don't get it, and they both agreed that, after spooning the oil off the top (which is what this picture is), the soup was good - had a TON of avocado in it, YUM! Onion-hater didn't touch the tamale, and there were no onions in it. We think it exploded, but we're not sure. You can look at the picture and judge for yourself.
Who: Onion-hater, Nonsense, Tierra Firme, & Me
El Patron
What: Me - Special Texas (Chimichanga & Queso Relleno)
Onion-hater - Tortilla Soup & a Tamale
Nonsense - Tortilla Soup *winner
Tierra Firme - Combo 1 (Taco, Enchilada, & rice)

So for what its worth, don't bother. If you're looking for some good authentic Mexican food, head over to Picante in Delmont. We do go there more often than I think I'd like to admit. The guys know what me & the kids want as soon as we sit down, speak Spanish to us, and make some great food. Hmm, I guess I'll have to write about them one of these days.
Yeah, bummer, El Patron was a bust. Wish the tapas place would have been open. Stay tuned...
Yeah. Pretty sure that tamale has no resemblance to an actual tamale...flavor and texture were bizarre also. However, reading this review was entertaining (per usual) and gave me a good chuckle. Looking forward to the next one! :)